Dance Theatre Performance Systems 60 months Undergraduate Program By The Central Academy of Drama, China |Top Universities
Subject Ranking

# 51-100QS Subject Rankings

Program Duration

60 monthsProgram duration


5,089 USDTuition Fee/year



Program overview

Main Subject

Performing Arts



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The Department of Dance Theatre of The Central Academy of Drama, China was established in September, 2013. As a professional department, it is designed to nurture talents in dance theatre performance. In the international Theatre Arts education circle, the Dance Theatre major is an emerging discipline, the core of which is to systematically train choreography and dancing talents, and revolves around the artistic concepts of dance drama performance to offers a series of teaching, practice and research courses.

The department head, Shen Peiyi, is the famous dance artist in China. Teachers of the Dance Theatre Department are comprised of young and middle-aged dancers who have higher-level professionalism, innovation spirit and strong practical ability. Our teachers have in-depth experience of performing arts, superior creation quality and theory accomplishments in the aspects of dance theatre.

The Dance Theatre Department provides education and training at Bachelor Degree level (for five years) at present; the acting system of dance theatre discipline is consisted of theatrical performance methods, such as traditional Chinese opera acting, modern drama acting, dance drama acting and so on. The major jobs of teaching are undertaken by experts of different dance genres, outstanding dance choreographers, theoretical teachers of dance drama and acting teachers of other theatrical performances jointly. Especially, curricula of dance drama acting within our theatrical performance system will run through student's five years of learning period. Main professional courses include: Dance Theatre Repertoire and Dance Theatre Choreography. Other specialized courses include: Basic Ballet Training, Pas de Deux Ballet Techniques, Chinese Classical Dance (techniques and classical dance of Han & Tang dynasty), Folk Dance (both national and international), Chinese and Foreign Folk dance and Modern Dance Techniques. The other two courses in dance theater performance system are Traditional Chinese Opera Acting and Modern Drama Acting. Meanwhile, the supplementary courses include: Choreography, Directing, Choreographic Music, Dance Theatre Stage Design, Fashionable Dance and relative required professional knowledge about stage art. Professional theory courses include: History of Western Dances, History of Chinese Dances, Narrative Research of Dance Theatre, Appreciation and Analyzing of Classics and Benesh Movement Notation; as well as basic introductions about Dance as Medical Treatment, Calligraphy and etc. Practical courses include: Graduation Thesis, Graduation Production and Internship.

Based on stage performance and supplemented by choreography and research, the Dance Theatre Department is the only professional department dedicated to dance theatre education in China currently.

Program overview

Main Subject

Performing Arts



Study Level


Study Mode

On Campus

The Department of Dance Theatre of The Central Academy of Drama, China was established in September, 2013. As a professional department, it is designed to nurture talents in dance theatre performance. In the international Theatre Arts education circle, the Dance Theatre major is an emerging discipline, the core of which is to systematically train choreography and dancing talents, and revolves around the artistic concepts of dance drama performance to offers a series of teaching, practice and research courses.

The department head, Shen Peiyi, is the famous dance artist in China. Teachers of the Dance Theatre Department are comprised of young and middle-aged dancers who have higher-level professionalism, innovation spirit and strong practical ability. Our teachers have in-depth experience of performing arts, superior creation quality and theory accomplishments in the aspects of dance theatre.

The Dance Theatre Department provides education and training at Bachelor Degree level (for five years) at present; the acting system of dance theatre discipline is consisted of theatrical performance methods, such as traditional Chinese opera acting, modern drama acting, dance drama acting and so on. The major jobs of teaching are undertaken by experts of different dance genres, outstanding dance choreographers, theoretical teachers of dance drama and acting teachers of other theatrical performances jointly. Especially, curricula of dance drama acting within our theatrical performance system will run through student's five years of learning period. Main professional courses include: Dance Theatre Repertoire and Dance Theatre Choreography. Other specialized courses include: Basic Ballet Training, Pas de Deux Ballet Techniques, Chinese Classical Dance (techniques and classical dance of Han & Tang dynasty), Folk Dance (both national and international), Chinese and Foreign Folk dance and Modern Dance Techniques. The other two courses in dance theater performance system are Traditional Chinese Opera Acting and Modern Drama Acting. Meanwhile, the supplementary courses include: Choreography, Directing, Choreographic Music, Dance Theatre Stage Design, Fashionable Dance and relative required professional knowledge about stage art. Professional theory courses include: History of Western Dances, History of Chinese Dances, Narrative Research of Dance Theatre, Appreciation and Analyzing of Classics and Benesh Movement Notation; as well as basic introductions about Dance as Medical Treatment, Calligraphy and etc. Practical courses include: Graduation Thesis, Graduation Production and Internship.

Based on stage performance and supplemented by choreography and research, the Dance Theatre Department is the only professional department dedicated to dance theatre education in China currently.

Admission requirements

5 Years

Tuition fee and scholarships

Domestic Students

5,089 USD

International Students

5,089 USD

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More programs from the university

The Central Academy of Drama was the first theatre higher educational institution of the People's Republic of China. It is affiliated to China's Ministry of Education and is ranked as one of the best top-level drama and stage arts institutions in China. In recent years, the Academy has continuously made efforts to place undergraduate talent training and teaching at its pedagogic center, takes teaching quality improvement as a basic orientation, and strives to promote educational and teaching reform comprehensively. The Academy has strengthened exchange and communication, and consolidated its academic position in theatre education world.

The Academy is composed of Department of Acting, Department of Directing, Department of Stage Design, Department of Dramatic Literature, Department of Musical Theatre, Department of Peking Opera, Department of Western Opera, Department of Dance Theatre, Department of Theatre Pedagogy, Department of Theatre Management, Department of Film and TV Arts. Majors offered at the undergraduate level include: Acting, Directing, Art Design for Drama, Film & TV, Literature on Drama & Film & TV, Theater Studies, and Broadcast & Anchoring. 

To ensure continuous improvement of undergraduate educational and teaching quality and enable students to enjoy quality teaching resources, the Academy recruits only 600 undergraduates each year and keeps the number of current students in the Academy to 3000 at a long time. The Academy now has about 2100 students.

While promoting the Chinese theatre to follow the world trends and concepts, the Academy, a world top art college, has actively made efforts to cultivate undergraduate talents with international insight and competitiveness. The Academy has cooperated with St. Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy, Russia and Guildhall School of Music & Drama, UK on an exchange project of 2+2 double-degree on four-year acting. In the future, the Academy will further increase more teaching cooperation programs with international renowned universities and colleges to explore new channels for innovative art talent trainings.

In 1981, approved by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council of P. R. China (ADCSC), The Central Academy of Drama, China is among the first batch of higher education institutions that have received the right to grant master degree. In July 1986, with the approval of ADCSC, The Academy gets the right to award doctoral degree. In January 2002, “Drama and Chinese Traditional Opera” is acknowledged as one of the National Key Disciplines by the Ministry of Education.

The academy has first-class discipline master’s degree and doctor’s degree authorization centers in Studies of Drama (Film & TV), and Theory Studies of Art. The main research directions are Esthetics of Drama, Theatre Studies, History of Chinese Opera, History of Foreign Theatre, History of Chinese Drama, History of Stage Design, Filmology, Studies on Drama (Film and TV) Acting, Studies on Theatre Directing, Studies on Theatre Stage Design, Studies on Drama (Film and TV) Literature, Studies on Theatre Management, Studies on Film Art, Theories and Practice of Musical Theatre Acting, Broadcasting and Hosting Art, etc.

The Central Academy of Drama, China has 111 master and doctor tutors. The Academy now has 354 graduate students, among whom 266 master students and 68 doctoral students.

Undergrad programs